Tim McWhorther is a Mahaska employee in the route sales department and has shown loyalty to the company for the past 3 years. Tim was born in Germany but now lives and works in Kansas. Family means everything to Tim and he believes spending quality time with them is important. He is also proud to be involved in the Occupational Center of Central Kansas. Read below to learn more about Tim!
What is a typical day at Mahaska look like for you?
Working with friends.
Favorite beverage that Mahaska distributes?
Cherry Pepsi.
Favorite snack that Mahaska distributes?
What do you do outside of Mahaska for fun?
Hang out with friends and family. Play video games.
What’s something no one would guess about you?
I am the shortest of my three brothers.
How would you think your friends describe you in one sentence?
Easy going and laid back.
What are you most passionate about?
My family.
Are you involved in the local community? If so, how?
OCCK (Occupational Center of Central Kansas).
What have you seen Mahaska do that benefits the local community?
Donate product when needed.
How would you describe “Midwest Values?”
Good friends and family.