The Healthiest State Initiative, the State Fire Marshal Division, and Live Healthy Iowa Kids are encouraging Iowans, schools, and business to “Walk at the Whistle” on Wednesday, October 7th as part of the fifth annual Healthiest State Walk. Mahaska is extremely involved in the community and loves giving back so naturally they were first to jump on the bandwagon and participate. The day will feature walks in conjunction with fire drills for schools and businesses. Delta Dental of Iowa is proud to sponsor the walk this year. All those participating are passionate about motivating schools, kids, and employers to get up and stay healthy.
If you are interested in signing up, go to: Healthiest State Walk. Once there, click on the button that says “Find a Group.” Mahaska employees can join “Mahaska Motivators” then continue to complete the information form. If your Iowa county does not have a group walk created, anyone can sign on to the website and create one themselves.
All Mahaska employee’s will be meeting onsite at 1:30 p.m on the day, wearing their walking shoes ready to participate. Group pictures will be taken so wear your walking clothes and bring your smiles! After the walk refreshments will be available for thirsty paticipants.
Get excited! Pictures of the walk will be available after the event.