Employee Spotlight: Jim Schnoor, Mahaska Snack Route Manager


Norfolk, NE

Title at Mahaska:

Snack Route Manager

Years at Mahaska:


What does a typical day look like for you?

I arrive at 6am and check in with the route guys before they leave for the day. Next I check emails, try to resolve any issues with Parlevel or vending machines, then I try to get out into the market to look for new business. It seems every day presents a new challenge!

What’s the best part about working at Mahaska?

I enjoy being able to go out and visit with existing accounts as well as looking for new business.

Favorite Beverage that Mahaska distributes?


Favorite Snack that Mahaska distributes?

Peanut M & M’s

What do you do outside of Mahaska for fun?

I like watching my kids participate in school activities such as golf, football, basketball, and baseball. I also like to be outdoors as much as possible. My favorite hobbies are camping, hunting, golfing and fishing.

If you could pick a superpower, which would it be? Why?

Time travel- I would like to be able to see what’s ahead in the future and if I could turn time back, I am sure there are a few things I would do differently.

What inspires you?

My family.

If you had $1,000,000 how would you spend it?

First, I would pay off some college loans, share it with my kids and siblings, then if there were any left I would take a trip to Alaska.