Celebrating International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day! Today various women around the world celebrate the accomplishments of women’s rights and focus on new innovations to further progress on advancing women’s rights in the workforce, politics, and society. International Women’s Day is sponsored worldwide by the United Nations. However, the UN did not originate this special celebration. The roots of this celebration go back to the late 1800s and early 1900s. It grew from women’s socialist movements and early women’s trade union groups. The first International Women’s Day was held March 19, 1911. Women socialists and trade unions held an earlier Women’s Day on the last Sunday in February 1908. The event grew from there and has been celebrated annually since.

To celebrate this year, we wanted to feature a few of our female team members to give us their thoughts on the day and what it means to them. Read more below!

Amy Branz – Director of Purchasing

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

International Women’s Day to me is recognizing women and our achievements in the world and how hard we have fought to bring balance in the workplace.


What do you feel is one of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome being a working woman?

Having kids somewhat hindered the opportunity for career growth and progress; as women are typically seen as being the primary caretaker in the family.


What advice would you give to other women out there who are just starting out in their careers?

My advice would be to stay strong, stand up in what you believe, and be persistent. Women are sometimes under-represented in companies, but you can be victorious in making a mark. It can often be a challenge as you look for guidance from male leaders (if there are minimal women role models in your company), and there can be a great difference in perspective and communication. However, remember to be patient, strong, power through to be heard, and show what you have to offer.


Are there any certain women whom you are inspired by? If so, why? 

Oprah Winfrey – she is a role model for all and someone we all look up to! She has overcome many obstacles and is proof that anything is possible for women: from race and gender, being heard, cherishing the small joys, and proof you can overcome any challenge.


Mindy Knupp – NoCoast Beer Co. Cellar Operator

What do you feel is one of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome being a working woman?

Because of my smaller size and the fact I am a woman in a male-dominated profession, I’ve had to work hard to gain the respect of my peers.


What advice would you give to other women out there who are just starting out in their careers?

Hard-work and determination don’t go unnoticed. It’s important to show that women are just as hardworking as men.


Are there any certain women whom you are inspired by? If so, why? 

Yes, the women from the World War II era who worked in the factories. Those women were the ones who worked in the factories to fill the void left by the men who went and fought in the war. They showed that women can do ‘a man’s job’.


— Of course, we can’t forget our female non-humans and their contributions as well!


Jenny – Office Guardian (Kansas)

What is your role in the company?

I greet customers. I protect my fellow office workers (men and women alike). I help relieve stressful situations while enjoying everyone that I meet! I love my job and look forward to coming to work every day.